Earlier this year, the Government of Alberta and The Ministry of Seniors, Community and Social Services launched the FCSS Accountability Framework. This framework is a collaborative guide that provides clarity to local FCSS programs in designing and delivering preventive social services that fit Albertans’ needs now, and into the future. Within this framework, 5 key social issues have been identified as strongly affecting Albertans based on the information gathered by the Government of Alberta. These social issues are as follows:
Homelessness and Housing Insecurity: This issue is complex and multifaceted, stemming from a combination of factors. At Wainwright FCSS, we strive to offer a range of supportive services to address this crisis with compassion and empathy, such as individualized support and referrals, financial literacy workshops, and advocacy efforts aimed at raising awareness about homelessness and housing insecurity. Mental Health and Addiction: Mental health and addiction affect millions of Canadians, and the stigma surrounding it often prevents people from seeking help. At Wainwright FCSS, we strive to change this narrative by promoting mental health and addiction awareness through advocacy and workshops, solution-focused counseling, providing accessible resources and referrals, and fostering a supportive community. Employment: At Wainwright FCSS, we recognize that addressing employment challenges requires a coll ective effort. In partnership with local organizations, we have hosted various skill building sessions, while also actively engaging with our community to share knowledge and strengthen our impact on employment in our community. Family and Sexual Violence: Family and sexual violence can leave deep scars on individuals and communities. Wainwright FCSS is dedicated to ending this cycle of abuse through education, awareness, and support services. We provide educational programs and events on healthy vs. unhealthy relationships, including our Annual November Walk This Way Fashion Show - a locally driven fashion show bringing awareness to Family Violence Prevention. Aging Well in the Community: Aging is a natural part of life, and Wainwright FCSS celebrates the wisdom and experience that comes with it. We offer various programs and services that enable seniors to age well in our community. From senior yoga classes and social events to our light housekeeping, we aim to promote independence, social engagement, and overall well-being for our older population. Together, with the support of our community, we can create a brighter and healthier future for all, where individuals can thrive mentally, physically, and emotionally, regardless of their circumstances. To stay updated on WDFCSS upcoming events, pop into our office at 902-5th Ave, call 780-842-2555, visit www.WDFCSS.ca or follow us on social media.